Offer-in-Compromise vs. Bankruptcy – The Pros and Cons of Both

March 3, 2023 | Bookkeeping Services

Tax resolution can be a complex process. Taxpayers facing unmanageable tax debt have two primary options: bankruptcy or Offer-in-Compromise. Each option has its own set of pros and cons that must be considered carefully when making a decision. Bankruptcy is a legal process that helps taxpayers get rid of their debt including tax debt in under certain conditions. Taxpayers who file for bankruptcy receive an automatic stay and can discharge their tax debt quickly. However, filing for bankruptcy will remain on a person’s credit report for several years and may affect their ability to get future loans or lines of credit. An Offer-in-Compromise (OIC) is an agreement between the taxpayer and the IRS to settle a tax debt for less than the full amount owed. Taxpayers can submit an OIC if they can prove that they cannot pay the full amount of tax due. An OIC allows taxpayers to reduce their tax … Continued

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